viernes, 9 de julio de 2010

70's disco

The roll of the 7o's disco is coming back this summer! Tye & Dye and hippie prints are going to be printed in lots of garments, especially in beach type of clothes. Bright colours like blue, green, orange, pink or purple, but NEVER, EVER WEAR YELLOW as a colour for the whole garment. Maybe, as ONE of the colours, but NEVER as only one colour.
Vaporous dresses, large skirts, bellbottoms, flowers, pleated fabrics or frills. This is going to be one of the most worn styles this summer in places from beaches to cocktails or dinners. You should ALWAYS wear this with platform heels or very high heels.
If you are aged 12 or 60, this style is also for you! It has no age!
Stella McCartney, Miu Miu and Blumarine have created great designs for this summer! Have a look at them. Hope you like it!

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